With its long history, which is now full of world-famous moments, players and happenings, the sport of rugby union has its fair share of collectables and memorabilia. From jerseys of past winners, to old programmes from games and of course signed balls, you can pick up a treasured item now all via a simple Google search and purchase.
So if you’re on the lookout for a piece of rugby history to call your own, then be sure to read on as we’ve rounded up a few examples of collectables from the past that will give you an idea of what you can find, and what the costs of rugby union memorabilia can be like.
Record breaking shirts
Jerseys and shirts are some of the most common items you can find – after all there are plenty of players who’ve adorned them over the years. However, the older these are and/or depending on who wore them and is what makes them sought-after and often quite pricey. Just one example is this New Zealand jersey which was worn by All Black captain Dave Gallaher on their 1905-06 British tour, that cost a whopping £180,000.
This is quite the exception though; if you go on eBay you’ll find a variety of signed or rare shirts ranging in price from a few pounds up to several thousand pounds.
Expensive medals and rugby balls
Speaking of eBay, if you widen your search on this auction platform, right now you’ll find one of the most expensive items in the UK is a Wales Grand Slam Gold Commemorative medal from 2005. It’s currently available for offers of £50k or more, and it commands such a price because it’s one from a set of 27 medals to celebrate this notable part of Welsh rugby union history.
Similarly, an Australian seller is offering a one-of-a-kind trophy rugby ball that’s signed by all the captains from the 2003 Rugby World Cup, all for the princely sum of $6,900. However, much like the jerseys we’ve already mentioned, rugby balls can range in price significantly, as again it’s a matter of who has signed them, how old they are and what event they might have come from.
Pricey old programmes
Another staple of the sports collectable world is programmes. As you’d also expect, these can vary in price too and again typically the older ones are more expensive, but their price can depend on their condition. Right now, you can find some from as far back as the early 1900s – a time when the game was still in its infancy on an international level – for several thousands of pounds.
If these are the collectables you’re really keen on, then it’s a good shout to have a look at official memorabilia websites like the one in the link above. They’ll also be able to tell you more about the items and their provenance.